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Thriving in Remote Work: Boost Your Team’s Productivity and Well-being
In today’s remote work culture, it’s crucial to prioritise employee well-being and productivity while maintaining work-life balance. At Transcend, we believe that empowered employees are ...
What teams need…
“What teams need is not formulas or simple solutions. They need team coaches who can help them navigate complexity as safely as possible and surf ...
Team Coaching Skills for Team Leaders
Team leaders are increasingly required to deliver results through teams and teams of teams. Organisations are reorganising with teams at the heart of their long-term ...
5 Leadership Skills That Every Manager Should Have – And How Coaching Can Help
When it comes to leadership, not all managers are created equal. Anyone can become a manager in the workplace, but few actually understand what it ...
Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
Hear from Peiyin Tong, an expert in applying Emotional Intelligence in the workplace. What 3 words best describe you? Grounded, harmony, joyful. Why ...
Becoming a Coach Can Improve Self-Awareness
What do our past participants say about our professional coach training? Hear from Rahul Jagannathan who recently completed our Certificate in Professional Coach Training Program ...