Organisational Programmes
“The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay”
- Henry Ford
The Transcend Point of View
Today’s world of rapid and profound systemic and technological change throws up conditions which collide with our basic core evolutionary biology to create difficulties in maintaining focus on goals, particularly developmental and “soft skills” goals which take people outside their comfort zones. We have to constantly combat two main kinds of challenges of the modern world – External and Internal.
The Challenge
Externally, we are existing in a VUCA (Volatile. Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world and internally we are living in a PAID (Pressured, Always-on, Information-overloaded and Distracted) reality. These challenges can be overwhelming for the ‘untrained’ mind and can have severe ramifications not only for the individuals themselves but also for the organisations they represent.
The Problem
Results will depend on where attention is in those key moments (as it is proven that attention drives behaviour). The mind, in such moments, may either be attending to resources or, more often than not, is instead attending, as if on autopilot, to habitual patterns of thinking related to the topic these may be “old reactive patterns” driven by anxiety or “hidden assumptions” or, perhaps, simple distractions which have caused a loss of awareness of the “target” behaviour in that moment.
The Solution
The various coaching and training programmes offered by us help individuals to “embody” learned skills and competencies, so that these eventually become part of who they are. In this way such competency remains available to the learners at all times, even when under stress or when busy. In this way we equip individuals and organisations with the capabilities that they would require in order to not only survive but flourish in the current PAID reality.
What Organisational challenges would you like to address?
Our organisational programmes focus on “the 3-selfs” of Self-Awareness, Self-Management and Self-Transformation.
We offer a number of scientifically grounded and highly evidenced world leading training programmes oriented to the cultivation of mental effectiveness, resilience, emotional intelligence, communication / collaboration, unconscious bias management, coaching skills and stress management in the face of fast-paced change
The programmes are set out below:
Understanding & Overcoming the “Immunity to Change”
Resilience & “Stress Management” Programmes
Communications Related Programmes & Communication Coaching
Coaching Skills Training Programmes
Coaching / Training for significant Career / Personal Transition (including retirement)
Resilience & “Stress Management” Programmes
Genos / Transcend Emotional Intelligence Programmes
Mindfulness Based Approaches To Cultivating Focus, Performance, Resilience & Well-being At Work
Our Core Products and Services
We offer a range of training programmes and coaching services comprising:
We help senior executives and leaders to develop themselves in response to adaptive challenges and changing ways of being, They learn to influence others by developing ‘presence’, become adept at managing bias and gain clarity for establishing a strong leadership legacy
Know MoreWe help teams have the conversations they need to have with themselves and others so that they thrive and create value for their present and future stakeholders. Team coaching integrates and maximises the value of other team interventions and experience to build the long-term capability of the team
Know MoreLearning the essence of Team Coaching and applying complex adaptive systemic approach and supporting models. Our trainers are Global Experts and Team Coaching pioneers who help the leader/s develop high-performing, value-creating teams
Know MoreDevelop the capability of your leaders and managers to develop the ability to conduct conversations characterised by broad coaching outcomes. These can include qualities like: partnership, listening, trust, psychological safety, empowering, future orientated, developmental and creating ownership. We work closely with our clients to adapt our content to meet the needs of your organisation
Know MoreWe help internal coaches acquire the capability to continuously develop through the exploration of their coaching work. We work with coaches to develop the macroskill of reflective practice as one of many ways to develop competency, capacity and capability.
Know MoreWe support senior executives and leaders to develop themselves, their teams and other “stakeholders” in response to adaptive challenges and changing ways of being, They learn to influence others by developing ‘presence’, become adept at managing bias and gain clarity for establishing a strong leadership or personal legacy.
We support teams have the conversations they need to have with themselves and others so that they thrive and create value for and with their present and future stakeholders. Team coaching integrates and maximises the value of other team interventions and experience to build the long-term capability of the team
Learning the essence of Team Coaching and applying complex adaptive systemic approach and supporting models. Our trainers are Global Experts and Team Coaching pioneers who help the leader/s develop high-performing, value-creating teams
Know MoreDevelop the capability of your leaders and managers to develop the ability to conduct conversations characterised by broad coaching outcomes. These can include qualities like: partnership, listening, trust, psychological safety, empowering, future orientated, developmental and creating ownership. We work closely with our clients to adapt our content to meet the needs of your organisation
Know MoreWe help internal coaches acquire the capability to continuously develop through the exploration of their coaching work. We work with coaches to develop the macroskill of reflective practice as one of many ways to develop competency, capacity and capability.
Know MoreThe Transcend Advantage
Mature, Evidence-based content
Our programmes stand on strong academic and scientific shoulders and have continuously evolved over the past 10 years to be responsive to the particular demands of the changing and busy regional work-scape. We have delivered our various programmes to over 30,000 people in 25 countries in multiple languages and covering nearly every industry.
Uniquely Experienced Coaches, Facilitators And Trainers
We have extensive experience in helping managers be effective in the unique context of organisations, this includes both training and follow up coaching with leaders at all levels in organisations. We have instructors passionate about developing excellent and successful managers with meaningful regional executive leadership experience in Hong Kong, Greater China, North Asia and ASEAN regions. We have delivery capacity in English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Korean.
All our coaches and facilitators, apart from holding higher level certification from the ICF, also have a strong leadership background and are certified in a variety of psychological assessment tools. Our people are also trained in the neuroscience of change and in secular presence based methodologies, including mindfulness, at the highest level.
We are experienced designers of robust and effective training in multiple areas and can readily adapt or create to meet your needs. We are based regionally and can travel and adjust schedules to suit.
Coaching, Coaching skills, mental balance and Emotional Intelligence and attentional management are becoming increasingly valued as they help to create a culture of engagement, accountability, growth and empowerment both for managers and their reports. Such skills will ensure that participants can effectively guide themselves and their employees in their development and help create a culture of individual ownership, accountability and responsibility for both performance and development.
Our programme stands on strong academic and scientific shoulders and have been continuously evolved over the past 10 years to be responsive to the particular demands of the changing and busy regional work-scape. We have delivered our various programs to over 30,000 people in 25 countries, multiple languages and nearly every industry.
We have extensive experience in helping managers be effective in the unique context of organisations, this includes both training and follow up coaching with leaders at all levels in organisations. From instructors passionate about developing excellent and successful managers with meaningful regional executive leadership experience in Hong Kong, Greater China, North Asia and ASEAN regions. We have delivery capacity in English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Korean.
All our coaches and facilitators, apart from holding higher level certification from the ICF, also have a strong leadership background and are certified in a variety of psychological assessment tools. Our people are also trained in the neuroscience of change and in secular presence based methodologies, including mindfulness, at the highest level.
We are experienced designers of robust and effective training in multiple areas and can readily adapt or create to meet your needs. We are based regionally and can travel and adjust schedules to suit.
Coaching, Coaching skills, mental balance and Emotional Intelligence and attentional management are becoming increasingly valued as they help to create a culture of engagement, accountability, growth and empowerment both for managers and their reports. Such skills will ensure that participants can effectively guide themselves and their employees in their development and help create a culture of individual ownership, accountability and responsibility for both performance and development.
Would you be interested in knowing more about our Organisational Programmes?
Begin your coaching and training journey with Transcend. Contact us if you have any questions.
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