Our Story

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Transcend International is a global provider of coaching and training solutions designed to help individuals, teams and organisations move beyond simply adapting towards genuine thriving in the face of an ever changing and increasingly challenging landscape.

Transcend commenced operations in 2006 in the coaching & leadership development arena, as a subsidiary of a leading and multiple award-winning executive search, talent management and employer branding consultancy. Initially it was created as a joint venture (JV) with an Australian-based coach-training house. From its inception as a subsidiary of a larger enterprise, the budding concern soon became the ‘Jewel in the Crown’, and was separated from both its parent organisation and the JV in 2011. At the same time, the current brand, Transcend International, was born.

Since its inception in 2006, our organisation had originally played a supporting role to that of its parent, providing coaching and leadership development solutions to the flagship brand’s multinational clients. However, through innumerable in-depth conversations with leaders and HR professionals along the way, coupled with an exhaustive in-house and academic research undertaking, Founder and CEO of the parent company, Tony Dickel soon realised that there was a significant gap in leadership skills, employee efficacy and organisational harmony, which was addressable by his fledgling division’s offerings.

At the same time at Transcend, we were providing our cutting-edge in-house coach training and coaching services to our other business groups and divisions. To everyone’s surprise, these interventions not only enhanced employee performance “on the job” but also aided them in becoming increasingly resourceful and confident in other aspects of their lives. Partly a result of these interventions, our organisation grew rapidly and at the time of the separation, was operating successfully from 11 offices in 6 countries in the APAC region, including a highly successful and significant operation in the mainland of China.

These scenarios provided compelling evidence that a major shift was transpiring in the business sphere across Asia. Tony and the rest of the team decided to pivot and be at the forefront of this rapidly evolving and highly dynamic business environment. An evidence-based approach backed by adult learning frameworks formed the bedrock of Transcend’s products & services, which quickly put us at the centre of the coaching solutions spectrum, initially in the Asia-Pacific region and more recently, worldwide. Despite myriad accolades regarding our well-established strategies and techniques, we continue to push the boundaries in the development of leaders and organisations (through corporate owned and partner offices) around the globe.

Our Vision

Our vision is for a world where individuals and their organisations partner together in service of their mutually sustainable and long-term flourishing.

Flourishing is defined as the feeling that arises when we are able to know and work with our blind spots and biases, transcend our limitations, work with our vulnerabilities and thereby bring our full selves to our work and lives.

In other words, when we are able to be at our best and bring others to their best even in the midst of an increasingly changing and challenging landscape surrounding our work and lives.

Our Mission

Partnering together means that the organisation establishes an environment which encourages people to grow through the limitations as described above. This we like to describe as a “Modern Coaching Culture”. A psychologically safe environment in which growth, performance, learning and well-being are developed, all at the same time.

Such a culture encourages a growth mindset which implies that long term sustainable results are obtained through attitude, effort and approach and that talent, far from being a “fixed” resource, can be developed over time provided the interference to such growth can be minimised.

We have a number of “interdependent” approaches to realising our vision:

Through training teams and one-one coaches we are able to increase the velocity of adaptive change. Graduates from our coach training programmes are having a profound and game-changing impact on their individual and organisation’s clients’ ability to adapt to current and future conditions.

Through our leadership training offerings we aim to help leaders bring the “4 A’s” of Awareness, Authenticity, Adaptability and Agility to their leadership so they can Inspire, Empower, Enable and Engage others.

Our professional one to one coaching work is oriented to help individuals firstly discover what they (really) care about (authentic “Goals”) and then help them to remain present with all that is necessary so they can take skilful action in service of what they care about, even when their attention gets hijacked by physical, cognitive or emotional distraction and overwhelm.

Our work with teams helps them to discover a sense of “shared purpose”, creating a sense of “commonality”. This provides a compass to help individuals work with and transcend their individual agendas in favour of the mission of creating value with and for all relevant stakeholders. The work involves creating norms and helping the team and its members hold collective accountability for the performance, learning and well-being of the teams, with stakeholder value being front and centre.

Our Presence

Coaches & Facilitators
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We have 20+ years of global executive and professional coaching experience across the entire coaching spectrum, with clients spread all around the world. We are renowned in the industry for our expertise in training and coaching in areas such as Transformational Coaching, Team Coaching, Executive Coaching, Coaching Supervision and Mentor Coaching. Additionally, we are well-recognised for our in-depth corporate experience and being recognised thought leaders. Together with our delivery partners, our various programmes have been delivered to over 90,000 people in 25 countries, in multiple languages and covering almost every industry.

Our Partners

We have well-developed partnerships with leading coaching and coach training organisations such as Potential Project, Coaching and Mentoring International, Genos International and Bluesky International to name a few. Apart from them, we have an array of well-trained partners spread all across the globe to meet your coaching and training requirements.

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