Allen Huang

Allen brings his twenty-eight years of invaluable professional experience to his coaching practice and to his role as Director and Partner at Transcend International, China. He hads previously worked in national research institutions, large securities companies, law firms, and public high-tech companies. He successfully served as an engineer, legal adviser, lawyer, and corporate executive. Allen has established agricultural company and a Fund Management company during his career. Allen’s diversified professional background, participating in corporate management and operations – from both internal and external aspects has helped him have a broader vision and deeper insight into the business and life. He has unique insights into corporate strategy and operations management, corporate strategic planning, governance, structure design and is skilled in resource integration.
Allen has studied traditional Chinese culture for over ten years. He is good at substituting traditional wisdom for modern enterprises, especially integrated Chinese wisdom with his coaching. He has has provided training, consultations and coaching for many enterprises, government agencies, NGO organizations and groups for over 10 years.
Allen got his Bachelor of Engineering and Master degree of Laws, and has obtained the securities practice qualification certification, the lawyer qualification certification and the ICF professional coach certification. He has multiple cross-border thinking, rigorous logic and broad vision.
Allen is based in Shenzhen, China.
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