Transcend International

The Power of Hidden Goals in Your Developmental Journey

Unleashing Your Potential: The Power of Hidden Goals in Your Developmental Journey

Let’s delve into a fascinating subject that roots deep into our human behaviour – the aspect of hidden goals. As humans, our nature drives us to be “goal-oriented” creatures. Robert Kegan, a revered professor at Harvard Graduate School of Education refers to this as being either explicit or implicit. But what does this really mean? […]

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Samuel Demarais on The Transformative Power of Coach Training Journey as a Business Coach

The Transformative Power of Coaching Training on My Journey as a Business Coach

The world is very competitive, and coaching has become more popular in the last few years. People are looking for coaches to help them to reach their goals. Samuel Demarais, General Manager of Impactified in Hong Kong, shares his insights on the transformative impact of coaching training received from Transcend International. With over 20 years of

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Professional Coach Training and Development

Unlock Your Leadership Potential: Become a Coach & Transform Your Business & Team

In today’s complex, unpredictable business landscape, leadership is not just about managing – it’s about transforming, growing, and unlocking potential. If you strive to be the catalyst for change within your organisation and excel as a team leader, become a coach! Powerful Coaching Tools for Resilient, Innovative, and High-Performing Teams Coaching is a powerful tool

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Professional Coach Training and Development
a professional woman working remotely

Thriving in Remote Work: Boost Your Team’s Productivity and Well-being

In today’s remote work culture, it’s crucial to prioritise employee well-being and productivity while maintaining work-life balance. At Transcend, we believe that empowered employees are more likely to excel in their roles and environment. Here are some essential tips on thriving in remote work settings and achieving a healthy work-life balance: Set Daily Goals: Establishing

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Wellness & Well-being, Professional Coach Training and Development
Coaching and Developing Others

5 Tips for Internal Coaches: Essential Management Skills

Based on over 20 years of experience developing the capacity of organisations to bring coaching into their management and leadership we have compiled 5 tips that will help you get more value from coaching in your organisation. Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Tip 1: Differentiate coaching from your other

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Leadership Development
A leader coaching a team

Team Coaching Skills for Team Leaders

Team leaders are increasingly required to deliver results through teams and teams of teams. Organisations are reorganising with teams at the heart of their long-term capability strategies. Agile methodologies and thinking is being widely disseminated. Team leaders are often at a loss on how they can pivot their leadership behaviours, style and philosophy. They are expected to

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Team Coaching
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