Coronavirus: 3 Special Offerings to Support You

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In light of the recent global coronavirus outbreak, Transcend International is offering the following to support individuals and groups who are seeking sources of strength and resilience at this difficult time.

Complimentary Webinar: Introduction to Cultivating Emotional and Mental Resilience

This is a complimentary webinar that will provide participants with introductory yet practical ways for cultivating emotional and mental resilience (CEMR) – skills that are needed to flourish in the face of modern-day challenges such as those we are experiencing today.

Exceptional mental and emotional well-being awaits!

*Due to oversubscriptions, we created more slots for the webinar:

Option 1: Mon, March 23, 2020, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM HKT
Option 2: Wed, March 25, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM HKT
Option 3: Fri, March 27, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM HKT


Special Discount Short Course: Cultivating Emotional and Mental Resilience (CEMR) – 4 Weekly 1.5 hr Live Training Webinars

This short program creates the conditions for being able to use all your internal and external resources to make the best decisions available in key moments-of-choice, without being unduly affected by afflictive emotional states. You will learn a pathway to cultivating the major components of emotional balance and resilience, leading to exceptional well-being resulting from being “at your best” in the midst of difficulty.

We are offering this in-depth training for a highly discounted price compared to our standard CEMR training as a gesture of support for individuals and groups that are distressed by the situation and seeking further resources. Please let us know if you cannot attend this training, but would like to, and we can find other means to provide support as this is our main intention.



Discounted CEMR Group Coaching Sessions – 5 Regular 1.25 hr Coaching Sessions with Max 10 Participants

Coaching is one of our core competencies. We would like to offer a special “group coaching” program to support people navigate, skillfully manage, and optimally develop in such difficult times. This is a standalone offering that can also complement the short CEMR program if you wish to take both.

Each group would have a maximum of 10 participants, who will work with one of our coaches to achieve clarity around their goals, as well as, motivation and attention as they move towards them – all adapted towards cultivating resilience, balance, effectiveness, and wellbeing in the challenging environment we’re living in. These 5 sessions are offered at a highly discounted rate of HKD 5,000 per participant (for all sessions). And as the above offering, let us know if for any reason this is out of your means and we can find other ways to provide support as this is our main intention.

Contact Us for More Information (With “Group Coaching” in the Subject Line)



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