Hear from Peiyin Tong, an expert in applying Emotional Intelligence in the workplace.
- What 3 words best describe you?
- Grounded, harmony, joyful.
- Why did you want to become a coach?
- I believe that we all have a choice and deserve to live a happy life. I believe coaching can be empowering and transformational, for myself and others.
- How was your training experience with Transcend?
- Academic, clear structure and framework introduced
- What advice can you give aspiring coaches?
- Be who you are and be resourceful to achieve your own aspirations, and to support your coachees achieving theirs.
- How many years of experience do you have with EI? And how many, to your estimation, have you helped using this experience?
- I became a Genos certified practitioner about 5 years ago so that I can bring this to a wider society and organisations with an established EI model. With that we can use it very meaningfully as an EI development tool. I think I have done EI workshops / talks etc to more than 2000 people in the past 5 years.
- Please share some feedback from your students.
- “I never thought of EI this way before yesterday’s session – that EI is not just about “controlling” one’s emotions, or just maintaining a good temper; rather, it stresses more on being aware of one’s emotions and thus one could begin to use them intelligently. Thank you, Pei Yin. “ – Business Advisor
- “Never thought of understanding EI in such an experiential way, very relatable and gives me some ideas on what I can really do to improve my EI. Time for my own reflection.” – HR Director
- How can coaches use EI skills in their coaching and in their everyday life?
- One of the key benefits of EI skills for us in our everyday life is to be self-aware, acknowledging our emotions and be able to deal with them intelligently. As for coaches who use EI skills in coaching, this helps coachees identify potential areas where they can work on to enhance their EI realising that there is an impact on our decisions, behaviours, and actions.
- Why are you passionate about EI of all things?
- EI has always been something I truly believe in, even during my corporate life and when I was leading global key account management responsibilities. I believe that it is people who bring success to business, no matter how big the companies are. And this can only be possible when at least 2 people are willing to sit down and talk… and this is all about EI – how we make people feel. Because that makes us who we are as human beings.
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